Select has launched a new service for creating VMware-based public, private, and hybrid clouds: VMware Cloud. Read more

Select has launched a new service for creating VMware-based public, private, and hybrid clouds: VMware Cloud. Read more
Today we’ll be publishing a guest post, co-authored by Konstantin Boyandin, a system administrator from Novosibirsk.
Konstantin worked with in-memory databases (memacached, Redis, Apache ignite, etc.) on a server built with an Intel Optane SSD. The specific device tested was the Intel Optane SSD DC P4800X and was connected using IMDT (Intel Memory Drive Technology), which made the drive available to the OS and applications as RAM. Read more
We regularly publish articles on the latest processors from Intel, which for many year has maintained its position as the market leader of server solutions. However, the situation has been changing as of late and other players have actively been making a name for themselves. This past March, AMD released it EPYC processor family, which has received some interesting and generally positive reviews (like this article on Anandtech). Seeing and trying something for yourself though often proves more valuable than reading (even hundreds) of articles online. Read more
For an operating system and all of its services to run smoothly, the system clock has to be accurate. If it’s off by just a few seconds, the results could be disastrous. Read more
Just over two years have passed, or rather flown by, since the grand opening of the Tsvetochnaya 2 data center. In our article covering the event, we not only shared photos from the festivities, but briefly looked at the data center’s infrastructure. We soon started thinking that it’d be a great idea to publish a series of articles that take a more in-depth look at these systems. Well, we’ve finally managed to take a break from our day-to-day and put our plan into action.
At the heart of it, the operations of any data center rest on three pillars: power, cooling, and security. Without a doubt, the key system here is power. Read more
The 11th annual HighLoad++ conference was held from November 7-8 at the Skolkovo Innovation Center. This year, the conference saw 2 700 people in attendance—200 more than last year! Today we’ll be reporting on the highlights and presentations that our team from Selectel saw. Read more
Are you ready for some big news? Cloud Storage has been fully updated and in some cases, service prices have been reduced threefold! Read more
We’ve added a new function to The Virtual Private Cloud to make managing virtual machines even more convenient and cost-effective: workload statistics.
Users can now view graphs on the workloads of virtual machine components from the control panel or gather measurement data over REST API.
In this article, we’ll talk about the components used for gathering, processing, and storing virtual machine metrics as well as give examples of how these components can be configured. Read more
Since July, anyone interested has been able to test out an Intel Optane SSD free of charge (an article detailing the benefits and advantages of this new disk can be found in our blog).
There were quite a few interesting projects, including those in the field of science.
Below, we’ll be looking at a few cases where these disks were used for scientific computations and applications. Read more
Jenkins could be implemented in practically any company that has to automatically deploy applications and infrastructures, as well as for just comfortably managing various types of tasks.
There are lots of different tools on the market today, both proprietary and free, that make continuous integration as easy as possible.
Jenkins is a free tool that offers countless capabilities thanks to the availability of thousands of plugins, which are constantly being upgraded and released. Read more